Thursday, September 5, 2013

Folk remedies for freckles

 Freckles - is, of course, not the disease. But this cosmetic defect creates an internal discomfort, and sometimes a feeling of embarrassment, awkwardness.
In people who are prone to freckles, the latter can occur with overuse of sunlight exposure. Such people, if they do not like freckles, should limit their exposure to direct sunlight. If necessary, in the sun, these people have to protect the skin parasols, goggles, hat with a wide brim.

In order to prevent the appearance of freckles Refer a grease the skin of the hands and face protective creams, pastes or ointments.

How to remove freckles ? To this end , the following folk remedies :

If a few drops of freckles or mildly colored, it is enough in the morning and evening to wipe the skin of onion juice , lemon juice or vinegar.
An old folk remedy for freckles - wash your face with sour milk .
If freckles are too dark or very many of them , you can level a little color blurring faces carrot juice , which is 2 times a day - morning and evening. After drying the juice , rinse face with water with fresh milk (1 tbsp. Tablespoon of milk in a glass of water).
A freshly prepared juice of celandine herbs and its 30 %-ing on vodka infusion used for lotions or rubbing in freckles and age spots .
The infusion of cucumber seed in vodka of 1:10. Insist two weeks , filter before use, dilute with water as of 1:10. Face wiped daily 2 times a day.
The broth lyubistika - quite widespread means of freckles in folk medicine. Is preparing a decoction of the roots and leaves of plants (1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water) , 1 hour , boil for 10 minutes. Strained broth using cold - spots rubbed with a cotton swab twice a day for 14 days.
The infusion of parsley - finely cut parsley , pour a glass of boiled water for 2 hours. Infusion lubricate places where there are freckles .
Cut into small bunch of parsley , squeeze the juice and mix with equal quantity of unboiled milk. The resulting liquid to lubricate skin with freckles not less than 1 times a day. Mask hold 15 minutes, and then wash with water at room temperature.
Dandelion - Infusion of leaves. Two tablespoons of the leaves boiled 10 minutes in 300 g of water. Cold strained infusion wipe the skin 2-3 times a day.
Spurge - for removing freckles and clean skin of the face is used milkweed juice . Lubricate the skin and immediately covered with petroleum jelly , fish oil or a thin layer of butter . After this procedure, exfoliate and remove the top layer of thin , the skin is clean and free of spots and freckles . Fish oil protects the skin from the caustic effects of milkweed juice .
Cranberry juice - used for removing freckles and skin whitening with a strong tan . For this mixed fresh cranberry juice and sour cream 1:1, applied to the skin and wash off after 15 minutes with cold water. The fruits of Viburnum usually harvested in autumn , when they are fully ripe. In this case, you should try not to damage the fruit. They are going in dry weather with peduncles . Dried in the shade outdoors.
Onion - onion juice to lubricate the skin 1-2 times a day.
With a large number of freckles rubs recommend using lemon juice diluted with water at a ratio of 1:1, or a dressing of vinegar, also mixed half with water .
Cooking vinegar dressing : mix 20 parts of vinegar with 40 parts of cologne.
This procedure may be accompanied by peeling of the skin .
Lemon - taken 15 g lemon juice , 5 g glycerol , 25 g of boiling water. All mixed. Face grease composition obtained on the skin and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse and apply a nourishing cream.
Mix 1 part of glycerol with 5 parts water and 10 parts of lemon juice . Wipe face with freckles .
100 g of milk , juice, 1/2 and 15 g of lemon vodka boil . After removing the foam to add 10 g of sugar. Wipe face the day before going out .

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