Sunday, September 22, 2013

State postnatal adaptation.

The conditions that reflect the process of postnatal adaptation , called transitional. Many children these processes safely . In some newborns, especially in cases of violations of fetal development , or a difficult delivery , adjustment disorders can be both functional ( temporary, transient ) and clearly abnormal , life-threatening conditions.
Great value for the condition in which there are labor. If you decide to birth in Germany, in the halls of the maternity clinic Diakonie , you will be provided with ideal conditions of confinement and post-natal care quality .
Among the well-studied transition states include transient violations of the heat balance , physiological weight loss , hormonal crisis, bilirubinemia ( jaundice ) , transient bacteria overgrowth . Weight loss up to 6-7 % did not show any clinical signs . 8-10% weight loss is accompanied by a distinct pattern of dehydration : the slow unfolding of the skin fold , anxiety, thirst , dryness of mucous membranes , and may develop a fever (transient fever ), there are laboratory signs of blood clots . Weight loss greater than 10% may be accompanied by the development of threatening symptoms : lethargy movements, dry mucous membranes , sunken fontanelle, reducing the amount of urine , laboratory signs of sudden blood clots . Against this background, can be signs of toxicity, which requires urgent remedial measures .
Need to pay attention to those children who did not have weight loss or it was minimal. The reason may be fluid retention ( edema hidden , hydrocephalus - water on the brain ) or intra-uterine discharge of urine and meconium , indicating that fetal hypoxia and increased risk of encephalopathy.Recovery of body weight loss after the physiological occurs in 10-14 days. In the event of a false recovery is possible after about 7 days, or weight regain is delayed until the third week of life.Large, well-fed children are more prone to overheating , and premature gipotrofichnye ( depleted ) tend to cooling . The living conditions of the child, his clothes shall be such as to avoid overheating or cooling .
For full-term infants in the 1st day of the rate of total bilirubin in the umbilical cord blood is 26-34 mmol / l, 3 -4th day - 50 -60 mol / l. By the end of neonatal bilirubin reaches normal ( 17-21 mmol / l ) , typical for children of all ages.
Half term infants tolerate bilirubinemia without clinical signs of jaundice. One-third of full-term and premature babies develop jaundice, hyperbilirubinemia with the clinic (formerly called "physiological jaundice "). Hormonal crisis - this is a clear response " target organs " for mature full-term infants . It reflects the processes of change in hormonal levels characteristic of fetal life the prevalence of female sex hormones and the low activity of their own glands on their own active hypothalamic- pituitary axis . Breast enlargement in the range of 10-15 mm and stored for 7-14 days, then the size of the glands is reduced, and by the end of neonatal breast cancer reach the size typical of infants .
The cause of bowel dysfunction in infants is a violation of the establishment of the normal microbiota ( the composition of the intestinal microflora ) . In recent years, the number of babies who have this border state has the character of a delayed and prolonged . This is due to an increase in the frequency of dysbiosis in pregnant women , a secondary infection of children in the nursing home , over-prescribing of antibiotics to babies , often without adequate protection of their microbiota , as well as by applying a newborn with late mother's breast .Changes in other internal organs , as well as in metabolic processes that normally are not clinically captured .

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