Sunday, September 29, 2013

Prenatal care.

Advice to pregnant women . Whatever the child was born healthy .
Watch the progress of your pregnancy. Normal pregnancy - a guarantee that your child will be born healthy and strong. See your doctor regularly for a women's clinic for prenatal ( antenatal ) observations .
Prenatal surveillance or monitoring of pregnancy - is scheduled general medical examinations, lab tests (such as ultrasound ) that will help you stay healthy during pregnancy and a healthy baby .
Prenatal care will help you in time to prevent or control a health problem that can badly affect the course of pregnancy and the health of the unborn child. As each trimester ( three months ) of pregnancy is different, with increasing gestational prenatal research are changing.
1st trimester .Although the pregnancy is still invisible to others, you often experience fatigue and mood swings . During this period, it is very important to eat right and because your unborn baby is growing rapidly and intensively . Eliminate the use of alcohol and smoking , do not abuse coffee and strong tea . Eat more fruits , vegetables and dairy products. Consult with your doctor about the most appropriate for this period of vitamins. You need to constantly take vitamin and mineral supplements specifically designed for pregnant women.As early as possible to identify the disease, which may adversely affect the course of pregnancy ( eg , such as anemia , diabetes) , you need a blood test and urine . Contact a doctor if you experience abdominal pain , cramping or bleeding in the extremities .
2nd trimester .In this period of pregnancy becomes noticeable to others. You start gaining weight regularly . Weight gain is in need of constant medical monitoring , so follow the recommendations of your doctor. Every visit to the doctor usually starts with the measurement of body weight and blood pressure. You can go through a special survey to check the position of the fetus in the uterus. This is necessary in order to make sure that the pregnancy is progressing normally .The doctor and nurse will explain to you how to do exercises that strengthen the muscles involved in childbirth . Perform these exercises every day , so that the muscles become stronger . Contact a doctor if you experience abdominal pain, bleeding , or appeared moved amniotic fluid .
In more detail, what happens to the pregnant woman and the unborn child at 22 weeks of pregnancy can be found at the women's magazine WomenStyle. Hints and tips on behavior at this important stage of pregnancy.
The third trimester .Your unborn child is growing rapidly , and you will quickly gain weight . Sometimes you may experience pain in the back and legs. To reduce this discomfort , wear comfortable shoes with low heels , support stockings . During a routine medical examination, the doctor will check the position of the fetus in the uterus and its heartbeat. Ask your doctor or nurse how to prepare your breasts for breastfeeding a child. Some additional research will help your doctor plan the safest for you and your baby during childbirth. Contact your physician if regular rhythmic contractions came earlier than the 38th week of pregnancy.

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