Thursday, September 19, 2013

Treatment of phimosis home

The disease , called phimosis , is a narrowing of the foreskin , in which the removal of the head of the penis beyond it becomes impossible. Phimosis can be as congenital or acquired , and the narrowing of the foreskin is sometimes a variant of the norm - the boys up to three years.
Traditionally , medicine offers conservative and surgical treatment of phimosis . It is worth noting that in recent years, medicine has made ​​great progress in this matter and in addition to circumcision, so frightening men appeared dissection techniques of the foreskin , laser removal of adhesions and some others. However, if there is a possibility of conservative treatment , then rush to the reception to the surgeon should not be .
Stretching the foreskin
If the preputial ring is narrowed , it is logical to assume that the only way to get rid of the discomfort it will stretch . That this procedure is recommended by doctors to patients aged 5-15 years old in the home. Adults , patients themselves often refuse such treatment , unable to endure the sexual hunger for a few months.
Stretching the prepuce can be done in two ways - by the Japanese Instrument glanshi manually. It should be noted that the invention of Japanese sponge intended for use in conjunction adult men with creams and ointments.
Stretching the foreskin of young patients is carried out manually , in the most comfortable for them home. To do this, the index fingers are introduced into preputial ring from opposite sides and gently pull , the procedure must be repeated in the directions left and right, up and down. To avoid painful and inflammatory reactions following procedures use the bath with herbal infusions - chamomile , calendula , thyme .
It is worth mentioning that the human skin has a high elasticity so stretch it to the required parameters is possible , but the result of treatment in a given case will depend on the subject patient.
The use of corticosteroids
The use of corticosteroid ointments for phimosis is based on the theory that steroid hormones increase the elasticity of the connective tissue . For the treatment of hydrocortisone cream , betamethasone or any other of the same group applied twice a day on the foreskin . The course of treatment is limited to two months.
It should be noted that the clinical trials of this technique showed good result . Therefore it is better to combine the use of ointments and stretch .
When surgery can not be avoided
The effectiveness of the treatment of any disease with conservative methods depends on what stage were taken intensive care . Of course , to treat phimosis toddlers up to three years is not worth it, as a kind of variant of the norm . However, acquired phimosis should get treatment as soon as possible . If the patient for a long time, because of the embarrassment and shyness can not see a specialist , when " squeezed" to rely on conservative treatment is not necessary.
Absolute indications for the use of the operational procedures of the treatment of phimosis are:

Paraphimosis , wherein the head compresses the foreskin , which may lead to necrosis within a few days;
The formation of adhesions and scarring between the head and the foreskin ;
Opening of the head is completely impossible ;
There are serious degenerative and necrotic changes in the prepuce and the glans penis ;
Urination becomes impossible ;
The development of purulent balanoposthitis as complications .


  1. Anyway, if you simply have a tight foreskin, that can usually be easily treated at home by manual stretching, at least you can try it and if not you can go to the doctor and get a cream to try that too.

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  2. Really feel good to read it. Very necessary information we get in this. Its too much help me in my future.Thanks.

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