Thursday, September 5, 2013

Prevention of sciatica

For the prevention of lower back pain is useful to learn how to relax the muscles of the waist . Thus muscles like " hardened " and learn to distribute the load that occurs when walking , because the muscles of the lumbar have to hold the weight of the entire body and keep track of depreciation.
In order to relax the muscles of the lumbar odervenevshie , thereby improving their circulation and flexibility , you lying on your back, knees bent to clasp hands and feet , pulling them to his chest , a little rock on the floor - 5-6. The fingers must be placed at the same time so that they are resting , massaging the point located in the popliteal fossa , and the greatest annoyance had on his back.Home treatment of sciatica

Thyme ( thyme, bogorodskaya grass) - a decoction of thyme oil in sunflower oil (20 g herb in 200 g of butter , simmer 30-40 minutes). Apply as rubbing in radiculitis , myositis , arthritis .
Amanita muscaria - vodka tincture of mushroom caps rub sore spots. Take 50 grams of mushroom and pour 200 grams of vodka . Insist 3 days . Keep in a dark place . Apply at night. Keep away from children, wash their hands carefully .
Adam Root ( Bryonia ) - cooking as in the previous recipe . You can use 2-3 times a day , rubbing the sore spots in tincture .
Locust - using alcohol tincture , you can get excellent results in the treatment of sciatica , rheumatism, thrombophlebitis . In all cases, used as an external agent . Good resolves varices . Sore spots carefully lubricated and pounded . Take 30 grams of flowers and filled with 100 g of alcohol . Before use in the dark place for 3 days .
Horseradish - attachment of its leaves to the painful points relieves severe pain with sciatica . The leaves are applied for several days.
Tincture of horseradish : pound 50 grams of roots , add 200 grams of vodka, insist three days. Applied externally . On the bed is put oilcloth , top layer of gauze on the gauze on top of a thin layer of tincture . The patient lies down on the lower back oilcloth for 10-15 minutes before bedtime.
Washed and horseradish radicle withstand cold water from 3-4 hours up to several days ( depending on the dryness) . Then take two cotton cloth , each the size of a 2- handkerchiefs . First grate the horseradish grated , or put through a meat grinder, and put a layer of 3-4 mm . Wrapping a cloth so that with the "working " side, which is applied to the body, there was only one layer of fabric . Remedy ready. It should be applied to the lower back. The second piece of cloth , folded in four, serves as a control : Depending on the strength of burning layers are added or removed . The ideal is to ensure that the burning sensation was pleasant. Too much - threatens to burn , and too weak - do not give therapeutic effect. Compress applied about 40 minutes. The course of treatment - 7 days , sessions not to miss ! It is best to carry out this procedure before going to bed , because after the application of horseradish is strictly forbidden to go out for at least 6 hours.
At the advanced stage of the disease can spend another week course , but always with an interval of 5-7 days.
To remove the inflammatory process with the chamber shoulder , myelitis , take birch juice 2 tablespoons 3 times a day , celery juice ( from roots and leaves ), 2 times a day an hour after a meal. Packs of birch leaves and remove pain.
Water extract of the herb mixture :
gryzhnik , knotweed , horsetail - 2 parts
bearberry leaves , corn silk sash beans - 3 pieces.
Take 4 tablespoons of this mixture , pour 1 liter of boiled water for 12 hours, then heated in a water bath for 5 minutes, insisting again 30 minutes, strain . Take warm 1/ 2 cup 4 times a day after meals. The course of treatment - 30 days.
To remove the attacks of sciatica and arthritis use of willow bark extract . The bark is harvested in early spring , the leaves - in the summer . When the pain in the neck and joints, numbness of fingers, take a decoction of the bark and leaves in 1/ 2 cup 3-4 times a day.
A poultice of the leaves of lime 4 tablespoons of leaf scald with boiling water , wrap in cheesecloth and apply to the sore spot as a compress .
Fresh leaves of burdock is applied to the painful places fluffy side , cover with wax paper , flannel , tied as a compress on the night.
10 leaves fresh noodle folded one on one slide, fluffy ( white ) side down. In a saucepan, boil water , remove from heat and then put the pot on this mugs for about 10 minutes to warm up the leaves . Remove the pan , and mugs as lying , so the white side and attach to the lower back and tied something wool or feather scarf around 2:00 .
Knead the dough made ​​of rye flour without yeast . When it becomes sour , to impose on the waist folded in four gauze or cloth , and put the dough on top 1-2 cm thick procedure is done daily at night. Only 10 procedures and sciatica passes . In the dough , you can add 30 drops of turpentine pharmacy .
From any of flour to make a cake the size of 20x25 cm, 0.5 cm thick , put it on a hot skillet with no oil. One side of the hot scones spread with pharmacy turpentine and attach to the side of the lower back hurts when sciatica for 45 minutes before bedtime. The procedure is repeated every other day, but not more than 3 times .
1 tbsp. spoon of mustard powder rubbed in warm water until creamy state , spread on a cotton or linen cloth , apply to the affected area and cover with paper. The procedure can be repeated several times.
Mustard as a mustard plaster applied as a local irritant and a distraction tool with radiculitis , neuritis , rheumatism . Instead of mustard plasters mozhnoispolzovat mustard baths : 250-400 g mustard powder mix , adding warm water to the consistency of watery gruel and grind until the sharp smell of mustard . Thereafter, the slurry poured into the bath ( 180-200 liters of water) and mix well.
Taking a bath at a temperature of 35-36 ° C for 5-6 minutes. After the bath, wash up under a warm shower for 1-2 minutes and wrap myself up in a warm blanket .
In a 1 liter jar pour 0.5 liters of kerosene , add 2 tbsp. tablespoons dry mustard and black pepper , add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar or acetic acid. Mix well. The resulting composition of the lower back rub , having tied a warm scarf or handkerchief and leave overnight .
Take one egg, put it in a 0.5 -liter jar with vinegar essence . Leave jar in a dark place for as long as the shell is completely dissolved. Thereafter the egg is removed and good stretch with a wad (200 g ) butter . In the resulting mass pour essence , in which lay an egg. Then again mix well. The resulting cream store in the refrigerator.
Treatment of potato sprouts . It is necessary that sprouted potatoes , sprouts break off , wash and finely cut into small bits with scissors, fill them to the dark half of a half-liter bottle of vodka and pour UPDATE . Close and put in a dark place , shaking from time to time . After 21 days the tincture prepared . Rubbing the resulting infusion of sore spots.
Packs of juice and pulp of black radish relieve the pain of sciatica .
Valerian tincture lubricate the occipital part , the area of the cervical vertebrae , lower back.

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