Sunday, September 22, 2013

Herbal tea for milk production

In the postpartum period and during lactation is not a perfect means than herbal tea . It gives the body the life-giving , healing power with plenty of fluid and without any calories. It contains minerals and vitamins.
If a nursing mother lacks enough milk , it will help mlekogonny tea.
Mlekogonny tea
The fruits of dill 20 gThe fruits of anise 20 gVerbena 20gCaraway seeds 20 gFennel fruit 20g
Since all components of the case of collecting the solid , closed seeds , before they are welded, or they need to crush coarsely grind . And at the same time to process as many seeds as you need to prepare a tea gathering , or essential oils, and with them the scent will disappear . Cooked collection then boil and infuse for 5-10 minutes.
The crucial for milk production is the amount of liquid that drinks daily nursing mother .For extremely thin , hormonally driven changes that occur in the female body as the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy and beyond , medicinal herbs is the perfect tool to compensate for loose or misaligned processes. Their effects on the body such as thin as a mechanism of its own adjustment , but not coarse, as is often the case when taking hormonal preparations.It is important to drink enough fluids
Care at birth .
Also - a few words on the subject of childbirth. In preparation for the joyful event , we recommend four weeks before giving birth to begin regularly taking tincture of arnica , ten drops three times a day or for the same purpose three times a day for a cup of tea from the cuff .Every pregnant woman in the ten days prior to delivery should start taking ten drops of arnica three times a day, continuing up to the reception in advance.
In this case, proved to be extremely positive use of St. John's wort oil . During labor, the last stage of expulsion midwife abundantly wet labia and vaginal edges St. John's wort oil , so that the latter is a narrow passage of the fetal head is quite slippery and does not constitute an obstacle.As soon as the labor ended , the wetting of the labia majora hunter repeats that promotes rapid healing and tissue regeneration. As an initial step towards caring for a newborn is also used gentle and healing oil of Hypericum .
If any deviations during pregnancy should consult a gynecologist . The medical center " Avant -med " reception are conducted by qualified gynecologists who very likely can determine the presence or absence of pregnancy pathologies .

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