Thursday, September 19, 2013


2 tbsp. minced bay leaf insist in 1 cup of boiling water for about 2 hours , then strain.
The warm infusion used for washes and instillation in ears with purulent isolation and partial loss of hearing.
With stitches in the ears, which is usually cold , put in the diseased ear cotton wool moistened with lukewarm oil.
With stitches in his ears in diseased ear can let 1-2 drops of warm oil or camphor put cotton wool with warm oil . Do not go out into the fresh air and drafts.
Peeled clove of fresh garlic rub, in the resulting slurry drip 2-3 drops of camphor oil . The resulting mixture was put in marlechku and invest in the ear with hearing loss . Keep an ear swab before burning, then remove it and throw it away.

Freshly cooked garlic juice mixed with olive oil in a ratio of 1:3. The resulting mixture instill 1-2 drops in each ear for 2-3 weeks at age hearing loss . After a 7 -day break , treatment can be repeated.
Finely chop or grind 2 cloves of garlic to fill 3/4 of a glass , to shift the garlic in a large bowl and stirring constantly trickle slowly add 3/4 cup virgin olive oil. Close mixture of glass lid and put into the sunlight for 10 days. During this time, the mixture should be gently stirred 2-3 times a day. On the 11th day, the mixture filtered , add 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil or glycerin (available at drugstores) , pour into a bottle of dark glass with a good solid stopper and place in refrigerator .
Before using the oil to warm up : 6-7 drops of oil to pour in a teaspoon and keep the flame of less than a minute . Check the temperature of the oil , dropping it on his hand. Hand should not feel no heat, no cold. Especially useful oil for ear infections , infections of the inner ear in children. In the treatment of children's ear infections in the ear canal child can dig a few drops of oil , but slowly and cautiously.
Garlic oil maintains its activity for 3 months if stored in the refrigerator in a dark glass bottle with a tight cap.
1 tbsp. a spoonful of powder herb St. John's wort infused for 7 days in 100 ml of sunflower oil, then filtered .
The resulting oil bury ears in pain and damage to the ears.
Another way to prepare: 1 tbsp. of herbs to boil 10 minutes in sunflower oil , press 1 hour , filter . Apply the same.
The remedy for " lumbago " ear . " Backache " ear after a severe cold should be treated immediately to avoid complications began .
Need to warm up sore ear hot water bottle for 2 hours. By applying this method , it is recommended to give the patient any diaphoretic that he was sweating in the continuation of treatment of ear .
When a traffic jam of sulfur to pour a few drops into the ear of warm vegetable oil. A little lie that it has entered deeper into the ear. After 3 hours prosprintsevat ear syringe or a kettle of warm water and baking soda or chamomile infusion for 10-20 minutes, until the plug will not work. If the plug will not come out whole again let drop and leave until the next day , then prosprintsevat .
To remove the foreign body in the ear pour warm sunflower oil, then wash the ear syringe from a gentle stream of warm water. To remove the insect in the ear should instill a warm sunflower oil, and the insect will appear on the surface. During the procedure , the patient should lie with his head up the patient 's ear .

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