Monday, September 23, 2013

Exercises for legs

The complex number 11. Starting position: sitting on the chair. Pressing her legs together , lower them on their toes and then your heels. Perform 15-20 times.2 . Starting position: standing up. Leaning against the wall with both hands ( at shoulder height ) are then alternately on his toes , then heels. Perform 20 times.3 . Starting position: the same . As you inhale lift your hands up and stand on your toes . As you exhale, relax your feet . Perform 15 times .4 . Starting position: the same . Produce leg movements up, down , left, right . Perform 20 times.5 . Starting position: the same . On the inhale stand up on your toes as you exhale - on the heels . Perform 15-20 times.The most effective prevention of diseases of the feet is a combination of physiotherapy and massage.The complex number 2 exercises for legs1. Starting position : standing with your feet together . Alternately lift your heels as high as possible , slightly bending the knees . The weight of the body should be transferred to the toes , the heel which is divorced from the floor. Perform 3-4.2 . Starting position: the same . Based hand back in his chair , stand on the toes of one foot , while the other branch of the way. In this case, back and legs should be straight. Perform 2-3 times for each leg.3 . Starting position: the same . Lean with both hands on a chair, bend your knees. Sitting up on his toes , slowly sit down . Stand up and straighten the legs , standing on his toes. Perform 2-4.The complex number 3 exercises for the legs.1. Starting position : standing with your feet together . Leaning back in his chair , legs bent at the knees, squat , straighten up . Perform 10 times .2 . Starting position: the same . Compressed between the thighs of a sheet of paper so that when walking moving only the lower leg and thighs remain stationary. Make as many steps as possible.Daily exercises for the legs to prevent various diseases of the lower extremities.3 . Starting position : lying on his back, legs extended , hands under the loin . Raise your feet and produce within 3 minutes of motion , simulating riding a bike. Take the starting position , the legs relax . Perform 3-4.4 . Starting position: sitting on the floor , his hands pulled back , resting his hands on the floor , legs bent at . Feet and put on socks without helping hands , feet sum as close as possible to the hips . Perform 3-4.5 . Starting position : standing, hands on his head. Rise on your toes and take a few steps so that the upper part of the body remained motionless . Then take the starting position and relax your feet . Perform 4-5.6. Starting position : lying on his back, legs extended . Alternately bend your knees and fed his knee as close to your chest. Perform 10 times for each leg.7. Starting position : standing, legs bent at the knees. Based hands in his chair , climb on your toes , straighten legs and slowly sink to the heel. Perform 3-4.The complex number 4 exercises for the legs.1. Starting position : lying on his back, legs extended . Without lifting the legs, feet alternately rotate 10-15 times clockwise and vice versa. Then , lifting and bending your legs alternately , stroking them both palms upward .2 . Starting position: standing up. Based hands on the chair , climb on his toes and slowly sink to the heel. Perform 5-6.Swimming lessons significantly reduce the risk of developing diseases associated with blood circulation in the legs. Need to swim slow and medium pace for 20-30 minutes 2-4 times a week.3 . Starting position : standing, legs slightly apart, hands behind his head. Rise on your toes and take a few steps .4 . Starting position: the same . Stand up on your heels and take a few steps , picking up as high as the front part of the foot and trying not to touch her ​​sex.The complex number 5 exercises for the legs.1. Starting position : standing, toes pointing forward , hands placed on the back of a chair . Slowly rise up on your toes , fix the position for 30 seconds. Perform 5-6.2 . Starting position: sitting , legs rest on the floor. Toes grab a handkerchief and moved it , keeping the heels on the floor as long as the toes do not touch each other.3 . Starting position: the same . Raise your toes ball from the floor. Perform 5-6.4 . Starting position: Lying on your back, knees bent at a right angle. Generate traffic like riding a bicycle.5 . Starting position : lying on its side. Raise up to a height of 15 cm , fixed position for 1 minute. Flipped to the other side and do the exercise for the other leg . Perform 4-6 times.The complex number 6 exercises for the legs.1. Starting position : lying on his back. Flexion and extension of legs in the hip , knee and ankle joints. Perform 20-30 times .2 . Starting position: the same . Turn straight leg toes inwards and outwards. Perform 10-12.3 . Starting position : lying on his stomach . First, at the same time , and then alternately bent leg at the knee and ankle joint . In this case, you should try to touch the heel of the buttocks. Perform 20 times.4 . Starting position: sitting on the floor , his hands are reserved 4jf ago , rests his hands on the floor. Produce shaking your legs , slightly flexing their knees and hip joints. Perform 10-15 times.Varicose veins before any physical activity is necessary to bandage his feet with an elastic bandage .The complex number 7 gymnastics for legs.1. Starting position : lying on his side , one arm under his head , the other rests on the floor at chest level . With great effort straight leg raise . I2 perform again.2 . Starting position: the same . Assign a straight leg forward. Perform 12-16 times .3 . Starting position: the same . Assign a straight leg to the side. Perform 12-16 times .The complex number 8 gymnastics for legs.1. Starting position: Lying on your back, knees bent , feet separated and stand on the floor , his hands placed on the inside of the thighs . Reduce the knees together , putting his hands a considerable resistance . Perform 6-8 times.2 . Starting position : standing on a slippery floor with your legs shoulder width apart , hands rest on his chair. Do not stop trying to tear off from the floor , connecting legs . Perform 8-16 times .The complex number 9 gymnastics for legs.1. Starting position: standing up. Lifted at the toes and then slowly sink to the heel. After that quickly rise on your toes and slowly sink to the heel. Perform 5-6.2 . Starting position: the same . Slowly rise up on your toes and take a few steps .3 . Starting position: the same . Lay a thin cloth on the floor , stand on the edge of it and try to move your fingers to move the handkerchief back under the foot. Reverse movement slowly return to the starting position handkerchief . Perform 3-4.4 . Starting position: sitting , legs stretched forward . The front part of the foot and toes with a force raised up, fix the position for a few seconds and then withdrawn as far as possible in the opposite direction. Perform 3-4.5 . Starting position: the same . Fingers feet with the force of compressed and then diluted . Perform 3-5.6. Starting position: the same . The fingers of both legs at the same time repeatedly folded and then diluted . Perform 3-5.Often, varicose veins affect people who are overweight . Therefore, those who tend to be overweight , you need to constantly monitor their weight .7. Starting position: the same . Big toe hold in the shin up ( preferably before the knee) . Then perform an exercise for the other leg. Perform 3-4.8. Starting position : standing, legs straight , feet flat on the floor. Maximum withdrawn inwardly and upwardly the front part of the foot so that its outer edge touches the floor . Then fingers pressed against the floor . Repeat the exercise for the other leg. Perform 2-4.9. Starting position: the same . Pushed hard with the heel on the floor , the outer edge of the foot as possible is raised inside edge remains on the floor. In this leg should remain straight . Repeat the exercise for the other leg. Perform 2-4.10 . Starting position: sitting , the front part of the foot is on the floor , heels raised as high as possible . When fixed toes and knees produce movement heels alternately inwards and outwards up , up. First, each leg separately , then together. Perform 1-2 times.

1 comment:

  1. The most effective prevention of diseases of the feet is a combination of physiotherapy and massage. It gives effective result.

    Aaron |
    Mobile Massage
