Sunday, September 8, 2013

Folk remedies for worms

Worms (helminths) - parasitic worms that live in the human body, animals and causing painful lesions of individual organs or general health disorder.
The manifestations of the disease can vary and depend on the type of worms, their location in the body, as well as their quantity. Disease is almost always accompanied by general malaise, dizziness, irritability, and weight loss.

When intestinal helminths parasitizing observed constipation, diarrhea, nausea, sometimes vomiting, liver - swelling, jaundice in the lungs - cough, discharge from the nose. For all types of the disease there is a decrease of ability to work, and the children - a violation of the physical and mental development, growth retardation, pubertal development, memory disorder.

Treatment of worms folk remedies :

Raw, peeled pumpkin seeds with a green inner thin skin to use for the expulsion of worms in 14 days on 300-500 g fasting , eating for 1 hour (for children 3-4 years old - 75 g, 5-7 years - 100 g 10-12 - 150 g ) , take 3-4 hours laxative, and after 30 minutes an enema .

Alternatively, minced peeled pumpkin seeds taken in the morning on an empty stomach , drinking warm milk , 2 tbsp . spoon for a few days for the expulsion of worms.
Pumpkin seeds are recommended for expulsion of round worms to children , pregnant women, elderly people . For this purpose, for 1 hour in small portions taken fasted 300 g crushed seed mixed with honey , in the ratio 3:1. After 3 hours, take a laxative (available castor oil) and after 30 minutes an enema . Children seed yield rate of 15 g seed 1 year of age or depending on age: 3-4 years old children - 75 g, 5-7 years - 100 g, 10 years and older - 150-200 g at the reception.

During the treatment it is necessary to adhere to the diet. In the 1 st day - porridge or mashed liquid food ( yogurt , soup, vegetable soup , etc.) , in the evening - a saline laxative (25-30 g of Glauber or Epsom salts for an adult ) .

To expel tapeworms ( tapeworms ) can also be eaten on an empty stomach 100g peeled the rind from the top , but always with a green thin -skinned pumpkin seeds. After 1 hour, drink small sips a glass of milk , which has been welded head of garlic . After 30 minutes thereafter, laxative drink , and after 2 hours an enema of warm water, which was also cooked garlic head .
Drink 1 glass of fresh juice melon 2-3 times a day. It is advisable to use a melon, grown without the use of chemicals .
Eat as much raw carrots and drink freshly squeezed carrot juice.
You can drink carrot juice on an empty stomach 0.5-1 glass 3 times a day for 7 days, with daily enema with pressed juice of 2 carrots with pinworms .
Radish juice mixed with honey in equal parts ( instead of honey can take sugar).
Take 1 /4, and more and 1/ 3 cup 4-6 times a day for ejection worms (child dose is reduced by 2-3 times depending on age).
Medium size onion minced , pour 1 cup boiling water , leave for 10-12 hours , drain.
Drinking on an empty stomach for 1/ 3 cup 3 times a day for 3-4 days for the expulsion of pinworm and roundworm ( round worms ) .
Shredded onion medium-sized pour 1 cup boiling water for 12 hours and strain.
Drink 1/ 2 cup per day for 3 days for the expulsion of Ascaris and pinworms .
Finely chopped onions fill half the bottle, then fill it up to the top with alcohol or vodka and infuse for 10 days in a warm place.
Take 1-2 tbsp. spoon 2 times a day before meals every day for the expulsion of worms.
To derive any worms can be used enemas of 150-300 ml with a decoction of onions for 7 consecutive days, or the same enema broth cloves of garlic.
50 grams of pomegranate peel pour 2 liters of boiling water , leave for 6 hours, then put on a moderate heat and simmer until there is half of the original volume . Cool, strain .
Drink the resulting broth for 1 hour , 30 minutes to take a saline laxative to expel tapeworms . Temporary dizziness and weakness will soon be held .
Alternatively, chopped 1 pomegranate peel to boil in 150 ml of boiling water, cool, strain .
Drink a decoction in 3 divided doses for 1.5 hours without taking food, and 3-4 hours to take a laxative to expel intestinal worms .
10 zubochkov eat garlic with boiled milk , and after 2 hours to drink a laxative to expel any worms.
1 teaspoon garlic pounded pour 0.5 cups of milk and bring to a boil, and immediately remove from heat. Cool, strain .
Drink the entire dose at once in the morning on an empty stomach for the expulsion of Ascaris . After that, do not eat for 2 hours.
Enema of warm broth of garlic is used to control worms in children. 5-6 zubochkov garlic boiled in 150 ml of water and use the broth for daily enemas for 7 days when infected with intestinal worms . After 14 days , repeat the treatment .
5-6 finely chopped garlic zubochkov pour 200 ml of warm water, let it brew for a bit , then strain.
Apply for enemas as an anthelmintic .
Large head of garlic cooked in 200 ml of milk until soft. Milk is cool, strain and put him out of the enema all night. Procedure should be followed daily for 7 days. Child enema enough 1/4-1/2 cup of milk , which was cooked garlic. It is used to expel pinworms .
Prepare a decoction of wormwood in the ratio of 1:10 and mix it with 400 grams of garlic broth , cooked 1 head of calculating the average value per 200 ml of water.
The resulting broth mixture used for enemas , placing it 1 time a day for 3-5 days at pinworms .
5 heads of garlic average ( pre-cleaned ) to mush . Fill it with 0.5 liters of vodka and infuse for 7 days at room temperature. Then drain, squeeze and store in a cool place under tight stopper.
Take 30 drops on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals for 3-4 days , using a laxative ( no oil ) , to expel intestinal worms .

1 comment:

  1. Yes!! To derive any worms can be used enemas of 150-300 ml with a decoction of onions for 7 consecutive days, or the same enema broth cloves of garlic.

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