Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Foot care.

Foot - is the support of the whole body and man's relationship with the energy of the earth. They are a huge number of nerve endings that connect the surface of the soles with certain organs and systems of the body.
The mechanical load on the sole ( while walking , especially barefoot , and massages ) leads to a balanced activation of the organs of our entire body.We need only to pull up and get out of bed , as from the soles to all corners of receiving signals activation , and is only to lie down, the signals stop.The presence of reflex zones on the feet tends to suggest that the foot is somehow linked with the land and are to some extent able to align the poles and the magnetic field of the person . And healers , not without reason, argued that if a person does not walk barefoot on the ground , it gets energy from the earth. Treatment of many diseases through the foot healers recommend Sebastian Kneipp , Wang and others. Their recommendations are well known : walking barefoot on wet stones on wet grass ( with dew, rain or artificially watered with water ) , sand on the newly fallen snow .The general idea of reflex zones soles we can see in the picture.The good effect of treatment gives shungit walking on pebbles , carrying medical insoles " Piokaly " and " nano- ceramic " .
General recommendations for foot care .
Keep feet warm and clean , timely shave nails , from sweating at night to wash in a strong solution of soap or a solution of potassium permanganate , the broth of onion peel , and then paste or grease Teymurova toothpaste Pomarin , regularly massage the soles of the feet ( walk the earth , pebbles , roll the rollers , etc.) . Useful walk barefoot , putting slippers fresh dandelion leaves , plantain , alder, mother and stepmother . From corns to take salt baths (1 tbsp. Tablespoon to 1 liter of water from 40 ° C). If cracks on the fingers lubricated with castor oil and butter. Spurs use the recommendations from page 130 and the following .Steam the legs with the addition of soda, and then attach a piece of Kombucha drink or a compress of the fungus , with spurs on the back or lay hands compress ( wet woolen cloth in apple cider vinegar and sprinkle with powdered thyme ), put a compress of fresh crumpled leaves of burdock , plantain or mother and stepmother .In the formation of a solid build-up around the bones (most often on the chin, ankles ) , if not to take action , can be formed caries . Most effectively treat these tumors triple pack these places served hot ( of hay dust , oat straw, with the addition of cottage cheese ) .

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