Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Self-massage the skin with a cloth.

The house is poorly stoked . Man chilly , huddled under a blanket , so he does not want to get up. A few minutes later , he takes air bath naked , and he was not cold . What happened ? The man did as massage and would include proper heating : a dense network of capillaries summed up the hot blood to the skin , began to act vigorously battery of blood vessels.About massage hands says a lot. Here I will tell more about the self-massage of skin tissue.Fabric increases friction, is an insulating layer between the arms and body. And then, and both are very important . When rubbing a person takes a variety of positions. You can rub the body while sitting and standing, but I think that for self-massage in the treatment and prevention to its original position lying effectively.A wide variety of poses and positions that people take for self-massage , are useful internal organs. To the liver , stomach , spleen provided a change of environment. For the heart and lungs open the way blood flow. To enjoy full krovoottok limbs .
So, let's get together hold a session of self-massage with a cloth .
Technique of self-massage .
Is it convenient to you settled ? Lie on your back? Turn on one side, on the other , on his stomach, his hands with a cloth make a variety of movements , stroking the skin of the whole body. Between the movements required a second complete relaxation. Just do not rush ! Then it will be useful combined with pleasant moments of relaxation . Mandatory condition Healing Touch - clean skin and body tissue.Connect morning exercises with self-massage , and do it daily . Or at least on weekends. Not bad for a massage devote an entire month in the autumn and spring, so you can help the metabolism .Soft dense towel pressed against the body straight fingers of one or both hands so that the greatest possible area of the body massage the cloth. Massage towel develops brush gives a wide area of action. However, not every hand towel " obey " - sometimes it turns, rather than stroking the skin. Rescue mitten or glove , made of soft thick fabric . Make it simple: a free pouch , double stitched with lanes 1-2 fingers , with elastic at the wrist .
Begin with self-massage strokes . Breathe . Then apply the skin with a pat of pressing , and then repeat the stroke . Take a break and then continue self-massage . Movement directed in a straight line up and down, right and left, circular, spiral.
Start doing stroking, patting , stroking again - at 3-5. In the following days, increase the number of repetitions to 10-15 times. During the breaks for rest do breathing exercises to 3-5.The movement is executed in the following sequence : the neck , face, head , body (chest , abdomen , hips , back) , the limbs (legs , arms ) .
Towel over his chest. Grab it with your fingers of both hands and stroking his neck up and down the front . Just promassiruyte face, head . Repeat the massage, towel moving left, right , in a circle. Now promassiruyte behind the ears, back of the head and neck ( back) . Relax , breathe . Hand in hand .
Towel on his stomach . Stroking the body of the front and sides . Movements of the arms are wide, free, easy . Turn to the right side , then on the belly and massage one , then two hands back - from the neck to the buttocks. Perhaps , in the beginning you will not be able to reach certain parts of the body : hands as if short, clumsy body . Patience . Day after day, together with the improvement of well-being will develop flexibility , joint mobility , all the easier it will be to massage the most remote corners of the body .
Turn on the left side with your legs . Try to keep the hips , too, have been turned to the left , and the body and the hands turn to the right. Stroking the skin right side and back. Then stretch your legs and go polubokom to the right and to the left , change the position of the hands , but try to reach out to the back and promassirovat it with a cloth . Lie on your stomach. Relax , breathe .
Turn on your back . Towel on his right hip . Bending the leg to the abdomen , massage it in the direction from the hip to the foot. Straightening the leg, massaging her from the heel to the buttocks. The second way - with a pat of pressing - do just flexing it right , then the left leg . Areas of direct and in a circle.
Towel across the chest and shoulders . Brush crosswise. Hands through his hands stroking himself with a towel and towel . Keep a towel and massage the lower forearm , hands , each hand .
Stand up and " NAPO " the skin with moisture. Dampen a towel with water temperature pleasant for you and apply it to the face , neck and body. Leather greedily absorbs moisture refreshed . Do not wipe it, let her dry. If you are used to use creams , now is the time to put them on the skin.
Each session is self-massage brings you an update : the skin becomes more supple, dense. Multiplying the power of skeletal muscles. Improved organ of creation : hands become more skillful , clever .
The body is complex , and our movements are often poor. Somewhere not actively proceed metabolism, brewing stagnant state . Every day you take your room, and you feel that it is clean . However, during the general cleaning you even more carefully wipe every thing back down the furniture . It turns out , as under tables and cabinets garbage ! Taking the unusual posture , staying in this position, as you would rinse and cleanse all the nooks of his body .
Self-massage - a valuable receiving care internal organs. People often ask me : " His back is probably better to iron with someone's help ? " I reply: "You ask about mutual or as they say , on the family massage ? His is welcome. But self-massage is also valuable and your movements , positions , rotations , developing joint and ligaments . Therefore advisable that you own hands promassirovat all the back. "

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