Sunday, September 8, 2013

Swelling in the legs

Swelling of the feet - a phenomenon often occurs, especially in women. But many believe it is only a cosmetic problem that arises from the consumption of large amounts of fluid. Meanwhile, there are many causes of leg edema, and not all of them are harmless.

swelling nogSamye basic reasons - leg fatigue, fever, a consequence of the habit throw his legs crossed, and pregnancy.

More serious - flat feet, lymph, varicose veins and teething problems with the kidneys. Finally, if swollen ankles mostly - it is an occasion to conduct a serious medical research, as this may be the first alarming symptom of serious illness such as heart failure. Most of these swellings are found in elderly people who suffer from chronic cardiac disease. For the young as more typical causes of leg edema are problems with blood vessels.

every day doing light exercises for the legs. It will help to restore vascular tone and normalize blood circulation ;during the night put a small cushion under your feet ;If possible, try as often as possible to perform a simple exercise: to iterate over the toes small objects. For example , sitting in front of the TV , to shift from one place to another small balls and sticks ;do not wear shoes with high heels ;Give up salt and drink less liquid ;well relieves swelling decoction of flax seed. 4 teaspoons of seeds pour 1 liter of water , boil for 15 minutes, then cover the pan with a lid and put in a warm place for 1 hour. Drink 1 /2 cup of 2 hours 6-8 times a day in the form of heat ;Swollen and tired feet can be cleaned with a piece of ice . Especially good if the ice is prepared from infusion of sage leaves , chamomile flowers , cornflowers , yarrow and other plants.Every day, drink the juice of fresh cucumbers. Take 1/ 3 cup 2-3 times a day. Do not add salt .2 tsp cranberry leaves Pour 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. Then cool , strain and drink in small sips throughout the day;prepare a decoction of the roots of the rose : 2 tbsp . chopped roots pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes over low heat, insist 2 hours . Strain, take 1 tbsp . Spoon 4 times a day;paste of tomatoes to put on a bandage and wrap your feet , lay on top of a layer of cotton wool and some coarse cloth . Secure the wrap with an elastic bandage and keep 7-8 hours ;swollen and tired feet can be cleaned with a piece of ice . Especially good if the ice is prepared from infusion of yarrow , sage leaves and other plants ;removing the old recipe swollen legs birch leaves : of cotton fabric to sew bags to fit legs to the knee. Pour into them , birch leaves and insert foot in pouches so that a sufficiently thick layer (about the thickness of a finger ) leaves clung to keep up with all the parties. Feet will sweat profusely , and after 3-4 hours the leaves get wet much , they should be replaced by fresh ones. Slack swelling subside after 1-2 treatments ;and footbaths help of a mixture of plants. You can prepare for the bath infusion of the leaves of a mountain ash, sage , calendula , taken in equal quantities and filled with boiling water at the rate of 1 tbsp. teaspoon per 200 ml . water. For 10 minutes . To 1 liter of water is added 1 tbsp. spoon mixture;foot baths . To 5 liters of warm water 200 g of apple cider vinegar .To improve the blood supply to the legs: pine needles (preferably with sprigs of the first year ) to grind and fill them 3- quart saucepan (just over half) . Pour boiling water for 2 hours. Then drain the water in a separate bowl and pour the new needle with boiling water and simmer for 5 minutes. Next, drain the broth , with the first bridge the decoction and insist 2 hours .Take 2 tbsp . spoon of honey for 20-30 minutes before eating. The course of treatment - 1-2 months.

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