Sunday, September 8, 2013


Waybread - poultice of crushed into mush applied on corn leaves for the night , then - the hot foot bath .Ramson - to impose a corn gruel of wild garlic and crushed raw onion. Healthy skin around Calluses smeared with Vaseline .Ivy - make a poultice made ​​of ivy and applied to corn. Effect - in three days.White Willow - bark - 3 tablespoons per gallon of water for foot baths.Mother-and- stepmother - crushed to pulp leaves is applied to corn at night, then make a hot foot bath .Sundew kruglolistaya - fresh juice to lubricate corn 1-2 times a day. You can also apply paste of fresh green plants .Green onions feathers - rubbed into mush , and put on corn at night. Helps the tool and the cracks on the heels.Two heads of garlic grind and mix with melted lard interior . Bandage on a blister on the night.To steam up , wipe dry and bind to a corn cake with lemon pulp at night. The procedure is repeated for 2-3 days and then again to steam up and gently remove callus .At night, rub corn brine sauerkraut.Onion peel pour vinegar in the pot , close the bottle opening compress paper , tie it. Soak for 14 days at room temperature. Then peel extract to drain the vinegar and a little dry. Peel a layer of 2-3 mm to put on corn, after brushing the surrounding skin with petroleum jelly or grease , and tie for the night.To steam up in the morning and gently scrape off the corn. If calluses are large, the procedure must be repeated.Fresh chicken egg immersed in a jar of vinegar essence . After 8-10 days, the egg is completely dissolved. The resulting liquid grease corn.If you remove calluses before the procedure any herbs put on the old corn raw potatoes , mixed with fresh tomato , it softens and the corn comes off the inflammation around it .

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