Sunday, September 29, 2013

Postpartum depression, or how to adapt to a new life

In your life was a long-awaited baby , but instead of a joyful smile for some reason he cries all the time , and you , with good intentions , can not pull myself together . Today, an increasing number of nulliparous mothers complain about this painful and incomprehensible state. It has even been called " postpartum depression " and firmly clearly stated on the pages of medical literature and women's magazines. You can approach this phenomenon of the world, blaming the environment surrounding , hormones and serious concerns have come to you along with motherhood. But let us try to deal with this depression from the Orthodox point of view.So you are preparing for the great event long nine months. You are , thank God , has successfully resolved the burden and hands you a prize - a demanding crumb , which publishes the deafening screams for any occasion. You feel the winner , and the first movement of your soul is waiting enthusiasm and gratitude on the part of neighbors. Stop! Remember these feelings.
Then after a few weeks with a new baby , everything is even more painful in the light . Slower than we would like, there is a restoration of the body after birth. As soon as you valites on the bed to relax a little bit , the child calls you again . Your strength goes faster than you type them . Add to the cocktail fatigue, healing of wounds (cesarean section or perineal sutures ) , memories of childbirth. Add these everyday experiences together, and by the end of the second week you will have this notorious depression , and even in what form ?
The physiological background of postpartum depression.
Let's start with the most simple of reasons related to the processes of the female body after childbirth. Postpartum depression - is a signal that you've exceeded the physical, mental and emotional capacity to adapt to new conditions, requiring a lot of energy . But it is also a signal that in the first place , not all is well with your spiritual health , and then take drastic action.
And if there is no one to help , you can hire a housekeeper , for 2-3 times a week is enough . Or talk to her husband , explain the situation to him and ask soft on the untidy apartment and lack of dinner . In any case it is possible to find a compromise between responsibilities at home and your health.
Often a bad mood can produce irrational activity relatives when her grandmother, aunt and mother-in- attacking you and excitedly give "valuable information" to care for a newborn. These assistants will always point you to the error and to impose your experience . Deplorable statistics show that the most hardened advisers - those who least familiar with the reality of children. You may feel that you do not know and do not know how , why literally everything will fall out of your hands . You need to remember that it is not their , and your child , and the whole burden of responsibility for any decision lies ultimately on your shoulders. Even if you have no experience , you have a maternal instinct , and you feel your child better .
The reasons of a spiritual nature .We have examined in detail the common causes of bad mood. But there are deeper feelings that are fraught with grave consequences for the mother , the child and the family. These include unwanted pregnancy, an insult to her husband and child for any suffering, dissatisfaction with the limitations of their freedom , the inability to maintain the old way of life , an inability to live as a family , sorry for " his beloved " heightened dissatisfaction with their financial situation , the lack of attention her husband and so n . From these causes can not be eliminated by taking a pill or visiting a therapist , as they are completely objective and can not be eliminated.
And yet, a psychologist in some situations would not be superfluous. Sign up for psychological counseling from an experienced professional counselor and get advice on how to conduct themselves in this difficult situation for you .

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